You can edit custom lookup table contents when you want to display them in a different order in the user interface, or if you want to change the name that appears for each item.
You cannot edit the tree position of a lookup item. During the design stage, when no records have been created yet, you can add a new item and then delete the item that has the incorrect tree position.
1.On the Custom Lookup Tables screen, in the Show items belonging to drop-down list, select the custom lookup table where you need to edit items. 2.In the In Node drop-down list, select the appropriate level where you want to make changes. 3.Select the check-box next to each item you need to change. 4.Click Edit. The corresponding fields of the selected items become editable.
5.Make the necessary changes to the Item Name and Order of the selected items. 6.Click OK. Your changes are reflected in the lookup item list.