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When adding countries and states that you want to appear in the State/Province drop-down lists in the Contact Address block, the following applies:

If you want a list of states to appear for a country selected in the contact address, be sure that the country is added to the state table with same unique code as the country table and there are states defined as child items of the country item.

When adding a new country to the Country lookup table, you must also add the new country and its unique code to the state table, and then, if necessary, add the states as child items of the country.

Tree Positions

All items in lookup tables are assigned a unique key called the tree position. In the Designer user interface, the tree position appears as four alphanumeric characters in uppercase, such as BUS1. When you add items to a lookup table, you specify their tree positions so they can be uniquely identified in the database.

In hierarchical tables, each item in a lookup table is identified by the path or "tree" that leads to it within the table's hierarchy. This tree originates with tree position of the Root and continues to the tree position of an item in the hierarchy.

The full tree position of a lookup table item is a combination of tree positions assigned to the item and all items above it in the hierarchy, starting with the Root. Each level is separated by underscores.

For example, if an item with tree position CCCC is in the second level node of a lookup table item with the tree position BBBB and the Root's tree position is AAAA, the full tree position of the item is AAAA_BBBB_CCCC.


When you add lookup table items, you can specify an integer to determine the order in which the item appears with respect to the other items in the same hierarchical level (belonging to the same node). Lookup table items with the same order appear alphabetically.

For example, in the following image, the Order for Cost Center might be 5, because it is the fifth item in its level. Time Period might have an Order of 1 because it is the first (and only) item in its level.

Example: System Lookup Table Hierarchy in Drop-Down List

Example: System Lookup Table Hierarchy in Drop-Down List