There are certain items that contain information that pertains only to a certain record, and therefore exist only within that record. Because they are "owned" by a record, they cannot be accessed outside of it. In TeamConnect, these items are referred to as sub-objects. Categories, task and project assignees, contact addresses, emails, and skills are all examples of sub-objects.
Both system and custom objects can have sub-objects, and different objects have different sets of sub-objects. For example, custom objects have the sub-objects Categories, Assignees, and Relations. The sub-objects of the system object Appointment are Categories, Attendees, and Resources. The following table provides a complete list of the sub-objects that are available for TeamConnect objects.
Sub-object List
Object |
Sub-objects |
Categories |
Assignees |
Relations |
Other |
Account |
x |
Appointment |
x |
Attendee Resource |
Contact |
x |
x |
Address Fax Internet Address Phone Rate Skill Territory |
Document |
x |
Expense |
x |
History |
x |
Invoice |
x |
Line Item |
Task |
x |
x |
Custom Object |
x |
x |
x |
Involved |
x |
x |
Embedded Custom Object |
x |
Each sub-object has its own value set, or group of values, that must be defined in order to add that sub-object to a record. For example, to add a project assignee, the following values must be specified: an assignee (or user), a role, status (active or inactive), and the date of assignment.
Some values, such as status and date of assignment, are set automatically by the system. Others, such as assignee and role, must be entered by the end-user. In the end-user interface, sub-objects are added to a system or custom object record through a batch screen, where the data entry fields in each row indicate the values that are necessary for the sub-object. For details on using batch screens, see Working with Batch Entries.
If your design requires templates and wizards, it is important to know a sub-object's value set and which values have to be set manually in the template. If any required manual values are not included in a template, the sub-object will not be added by the wizard. For more details, see Adding Sub-objects to Templates.