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You can create and define custom objects to meet the business requirements of your organization. For example, you might create a "Policy" object so that end users can create policy records to track each policy in your organization.

When you create a custom object, TeamConnect automatically creates an Involved object for it. For details, see Unique Custom Object Types.

You can also delete custom object definitions during the customization process. However, once your TeamConnect system is in production, deleting custom objects or their components results in permanent loss of the data associated with them.

Custom object records are often referred to as "projects" within this documentation. After you define custom objects, they appear in the user interface with the names that you specify.

Custom objects are represented in TeamConnect's object model by the TProject table and a number of "administrative" tables such as WObjdProjInfo. For details, see Object Model: Read This First plus the additional reference tables this reference points you to.