Click Delete to delete the contacts that have just been replaced by the base contact. Answer Yes to the confirmation pop-up message.
Delete Duplicates Interface
After the deletion operation, the Contact Sweeper screen refreshes, and a success message indicating the number of contacts deleted appears below the Delete button.
Confirmation Message
Note: The count reflects the actual number of contacts deleted. This number may be less than the number of contacts listed in step 4, if one or more of those contacts is associated with a user account. Such contacts are not deleted by Contact Sweeper. The system log notes such cases.
Note: If you click Delete without first doing Fix references, TeamConnect attempts to delete all the contacts for which you have entered a value in the "Base key" column of the spreadsheet. But since these contacts were not fixed yet, many of them may have references, such as being used in an "involved" role. In such cases, any contact with references is not deleted, and an error message is entered in the log file noting each case.