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The Fix References step provides you with the option to preview the database changes that are about to occur, then updates the TeamConnect database with the contact changes you requested in the spreadsheet.

Caution: Perform this step when there are no other active TeamConnect users working with your TeamConnect database. This step puts the database into an inconsistent state until it completes. It is strongly recommended that you back up your database before performing this step. The changes that are done in this step are not reversible, except by restoring a database backup.

Important: Custom rule processing could potentially interfere with the database updates done by this step. Deactivate all rules that relate to the Contact object before performing this step. When the step is complete, you may activate the rules again.

Preview the suggested changes and update the database as follows:

Click Preview to display a pop-up window with text that describes the proposed database changes. No actual changes are done during Preview.

Fix References Preview Screen

Fix References Preview Screen

In the previous example, there were references in existence for each duplicate contact. However, it is possible to have duplicate contacts that have never been used as a reference in any other record.

Click Fix References to apply the changes in the spreadsheet to the database. Read the confirmation pop-up window, determine if you wish to continue, and click OK to continue or Cancel to stop.

This step may take some time, depending on the number of duplicate contacts and references that must be replaced. When finished, the Contact Sweeper screen refreshes and a completion message will appear below the Fix References button.

Contact Sweeper Completion Message

Contact Sweeper Completion Message