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The spreadsheet produced by the Generate Report step contains one row per contact. Contact Sweeper has identified all the contacts in the spreadsheet as being potential duplicates of each other, because they all match the conditions you specified in step 1. Review these contacts and decide which ones are actual duplicates.

Report Editor Interface

Report Editor Interface

Review and edit the report as follows:

If the spreadsheet from step 1 is not already open, open it now.

The spreadsheet contains blank cells in column A ("Base key"), the primary key of the contact in column B ("Contact key"), then a large number of contact information fields in the following columns. The columns "Involvement count" (indicating how many projects or other objects refer back to this contact) and "Associated user" (indicating that this contact is related to a TeamConnect user) are useful in deciding which contacts to keep and which to replace.

If you decide that two or more contacts are duplicates, you must choose one of them as the base contact. All TeamConnect information that presently refers to the other duplicates will instead refer to the base contact after step 4 runs.

Find the "Contact key" value (column B in the spreadsheet) for the base contact's row. Then enter that value in the "Base key" column for each of the duplicate contact rows. (Don't enter it in "Base key" of the base contact; that's unnecessary.)

Note: Most of the cells in the spreadsheet are protected. Do not turn off this protection, or you may cause the spreadsheet to become unusable. Only the "Base key" column of the spreadsheet is editable. You cannot move, insert, or delete rows and columns.

In the example shown above, the row with contact key 2169 is the base contact that will remain after Contact Sweeper completes. Therefore, you would type 2169 in the Base Key cell for contacts 2171 and 2235. Contact 811 is a completely different person, not a duplicate, so we make no entry in that row.

Note: Contacts where the column "Associated user" contains a value will not be replaced or deleted, even if you request this.

Instead of replacing some of the potential duplicate contacts, you may want to edit them so that they do not appear as duplicates anymore. If you edit a contact in TeamConnect, verify that you have not placed any value in the "Base key" column of the corresponding row in the spreadsheet.

If a specific contact is not a duplicate and does not require any editing in TeamConnect, verify that you have not placed any value in the "Base key" column of the corresponding row in the spreadsheet.

Save your changes to the spreadsheet.