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Contact Sweeper is a system tool and, like other system tools, it requires the user running it to have sufficient authority. You must use caution when granting rights to this tool because its use may greatly alter the information in the database.

It is essential that you back up your database before running Contact Sweeper. Contact Sweeper makes extensive changes to the TeamConnect database. After you have run the Fix References step in Contact Sweeper, the only way to reverse its effects is by restoring the database from the backup.

Important: Several prompts in Contact Sweeper may display in a pop-up window. If your web browser is configured to not allow pop-up windows, you must reconfigure it to allow pop-ups from the TeamConnect web server.

Using Contact Sweeper entails the following steps:

Step 1 of 5 (Generate Report)—Specifies the conditions to be used in searching for duplicates, then performs the search and prepares an Excel spreadsheet containing the generated report, which you then save.

Step 2 of 5 (Edit Report)—Indicates which duplicate contacts must be replaced by other contacts. Do this by editing the values in the generated report spreadsheet (offline step).

Step 3 of 5 (Upload Report)—Uploads your edits to TeamConnect and makes them available for the following steps.

Step 4 of 5 (Fix References)—Performs an optional preview and performs the actual replacement of references.

Step 5 of 5 (Delete Duplicates)—Deletes the contacts whose references were replaced in the previous step.

You may do all of these steps, except step 2, using the Contact Sweeper tool window.