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Invoice Line Items Adjustment Behavior includes:

Setting up whether Line Items can be adjusted in Batch Adjustment mode or in Detail Adjustment mode

Setting up which Line Item fields will be read-only in Batch Adjustment mode

Entering adjustment reasons

Invoice Line Items Adjustment Options

You may adjust invoice Line Items as follows:

Detail Adjustment: (recommended for Invoices with few Line Items) For TeamConnect 2.4 SP3 and earlier, Line Items have been adjusted in this mode. When enabled adjusters must select each Line Item, adjust the Line Item, and save changes to individual Line Items separately.

Batch Adjustment: (recommended for Invoices with many Line Items) When enabled adjusters can make all Line Items for an invoice adjustable with one button click, adjust the Line Items, and save changes to multiple Line Items with one button click. This option is helpful for tabbing through multiple Line Items.

In-Line & Bulk Adjustment: (recommended for Invoices with many Line Items) Introduced in TeamConnect 3.4 SP1, this setting allows adjusters to make changes to multiple Line Items at a time, with improved screen navigation, the ability to add comments to Line Items directly from the In-Line & Bulk Adjustment (IBA) screen, and other additional features.

Setting Batch Adjustment Line Item Fields Read/Write Permissions

If Line Items are set to Batch Adjustment mode, you can restrict which Invoice Line Item fields can be used to adjust invoices by setting certain fields to read-only status.

Note: The following description only applies if you have set the Line Items Default Adjustment Mechanism to Batch Adjustment.

Fields that can be set to read-only include:

Current Total

Current Discount

Current Qty

Current Rate