1.In the Designer, click Go to, and then click Object Definitions. 2.Click the Invoice object definition. 3.Click the Non-US Tax Categories tab. 4.In the Show items node drop-down list, select Fee or Expense. 5.In the Item Name field, enter the a unique name for this item. 6.In the Order field, enter a number to indicate the order in which this item appears to the user. Items with the same order number are sorted alphabetically. 7.In the Tree Position field, enter a four-character alphanumeric code that is unique to any other code. 8.In the Tax Code field, enter the name for the tax code that applies to this item. Item Name, Tree Position, and Tax Code only need to be unique for items of the same type.
9.Click +add more. 10.To add more items, click +add more and repeat steps 4 through 8. 11.Click Save or Save and Close. You will be able to create financial accounts in the TeamConnect user interface to track Non-US Taxes separately. The Non-US Tax category Item Name values appear in the Post Non-US Tax of Type drop-down list on the Accounts Posting Criteria page.