Before you begin changing your TeamConnect design, you must be aware of some limitations imposed by Microsoft SQL Server, particularly with regard to the Data Warehouse feature of TeamConnect.
The system objects and custom objects contained in TeamConnect can be synchronized with database tables in the Data Warehouse, a feature that is used for reporting. However, tables in Data Warehouse can sometimes have a very large number of columns, particularly when the related TeamConnect object has a large number of categories. In Microsoft SQL Server, Data Warehouse tables support a maximum of 8060 bytes per row. You should design your categories and reportable fields so that the 8060 byte limit cannot be exceeded. (For the bytes allocated per column for each field type, see Data Warehouse Requirements for Custom Fields.) These amounts are subtracted from MS SQL Server's maximum allocation of 8060 bytes per row.
For example, if there are 30 custom fields of the type Text within a single category, the Data Warehouse table has 30 columns that use 250 bytes each. Altogether, 30 custom fields of the type Text use 7500 bytes of the 8060-byte allocation, which only leaves 560 bytes for other field types in that category.
When run with Microsoft SQL Server, Data Warehouse has a 250-byte limit for custom fields of the type Text. If a user enters data in excess of this 250-byte limitation, the Data Warehouse scripts truncate the text when populating the table. In addition, some Non-ASCII characters use two bytes per character of the 250-byte data length limitation. To make sure that users do not exceed the 250-byte limit, which results in truncated data in reports, choose one or more of the following options:
•Use memo text fields instead of custom fields of the type Text if users might exceed the 250-byte limit.
•Develop rules in TeamConnect to enforce the 250-byte limit for each custom field of the type Text.