You should always check the log of a Data Warehouse job after it completes. Only the log file will tell you whether an error occurred during the run. Search the log for error messages. If an error is found, search upward for the string "opening" to determine which transformation was running when the error occurred.
Caution: If an error occurs and it is not caught quickly, Data Warehouse will contain inaccurate information that will impact the quality of your reporting.
This is an excerpt of the text at the end of a log file after a successful run:
2007/12/20 13:27:02 - Kitchen - Finished!
2007/12/20 13:27:02 - Kitchen - Start=2007/12/20 12:44:12.184, Stop=2007/12/20 13:27:02.851
2007/12/20 13:27:02 - Kitchen - Processing ended after 2570 seconds.
This is an excerpt of text showing a failed run:
2007/11/03 07:19:04 - Kitchen - Finished!
2007/11/03 07:19:04 - Kitchen - ERROR (version 2.5.2, build 252005 from 2007/10/23 19:31:44) : Finished with errors
2007/11/03 07:19:04 - Kitchen - Start=2007/11/02 15:49:33.359, Stop=2007/11/03 07:19:04.125
2007/11/03 07:19:04 - Kitchen - Processing ended after 55770 seconds.