1.(optional) For Task Codes: From a vendor account, click Task Codes from the left pane.
To apply the globally authorized Task Codes for this vendor, click Apply Default. For more information, see Authorizing Task Codes Globally.
Authorize/unauthorize a code by selecting the corresponding check box.
2.(optional) For Expense Codes: From a vendor account, click Expense Codes from the left pane.
To apply the globally authorized Expense Codes for this vendor, click Apply Default. For more information, see Authorizing Expense Codes Globally.
Authorize a code by selecting its box or unauthorize a code by clearing its box.
3.(optional) For Activity Codes: From a vendor account, click Activity Codes from the left pane.
To apply the globally authorized Activity Codes for this vendor, click Apply Default. For more information see Authorizing Activity Codes Globally.
Authorize a code by selecting its box or unauthorize a code by clearing its box.
4.(optional) For Non-US Tax Codes: From a vendor account, click Non-US Tax Codes from the left pane.
To apply the globally authorized Non-US Tax Codes for this vendor, click Apply Default. For more information see Authorizing Non-US Tax Codes Globally.
Authorize a code by selecting its box or unauthorize a code by clearing its box.
5.To save changes, click Save, or to cancel changes, click Cancel. Tip: If you click the Apply Default button from any of the vendor's billing code authorization pages (Task Codes, Expense Codes, Activity Codes) or Non-US Tax Codes page and then want to revert to the previously authorized billing codes list, click Cancel. After you click Apply Default and click Save, you will not be able to revert to the previously authorized billing codes unless you recorded the information and manually set authorizations for the vendor's billing code pages.
Tip: For Non-US Tax Codes, you may find it useful to give access to minimal Non-US Tax Codes from CSM Settings and apply those authorization settings across all vendors. Then for individual vendor accounts, you can edit Non-US Tax Codes authorization (for example, authorizing only the Non-US Tax Codes that are relevant to your vendor countries). For more information, see Authorizing Non-US Tax Codes Globally.