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A log of synchronization events is available from the CSM Settings, History page. The following synchronization events are being logged:

Testing connection—When a user presses the Test Connection button from the Connection page. Synchronization status indicates the result of each testing.

Synchronization Start—When a user starts synchronization from the Connection page.

Synchronization Stop—When a user stops synchronization from the Connection page.

Synchronization Failure—The system will make five consecutive attempts to synchronize with Collaborati. If all are unsuccessful, the system will pause for an hour, then resume attempts.

Synchronization successful with retrieved invoices—CSM will log the number of invoices retrieved, the total number of invoice line items for these invoices, and the number & total size of invoice attachments (if any).

The table will display the date and time for each logged event. You can use the Filter tab to search through the history for events logged within a specific time period.

You can delete all synchronization history records by clicking the Delete All Synchronization Histories link. Click the OK button in the confirmation dialog. Click the History link again to refresh the Synchronization Histories view.