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An automatic request will be generated when the following conditions are met:

The matter must have a category that you have designated as eligible for budget requests.

One or more accounts associated with the matter meet the account criteria described above.

One or more vendors associated with the matter (as Involved parties, with e-billing roles) must be already authorized to work with Collaborati.

Important: The specific event that generates an automatic budget request is the activation of child accounts within a matter. For this reason, you must ensure that all other conditions for budget requests have been met before you activate a child account. If you mistakenly activate a child account before all criteria have been met, you may still be able to generate a budget request by fixing the conditions, then deactivating and reactivating the child accounts.

Even if all the conditions have been met for creating an automatic budget request, it will not be created if there already exists a budget request for the same matter and vendor. Instead, new accounts (if any) will be added to the existing budget request, provided that the existing budget request has not yet been sent to the vendor, and the existing request will be changed to status "Submitted".

If the existing request had previously been sent to the vendor, no action is taken on the existing request, and no new automatic request is created. Instead you must manually delete the existing request and manually enter a new budget request containing the updated information.

Note: Although there are many conditions that must be met to generate an automatic budget requests, there are no such restrictions on manual budget requests. You may create a manual budget request against any matter regardless of its categories or accounts.

Automatic Cancellation of Budget Requests

If you perform some action on an existing matter that causes it to no longer be an e-billing matter, CSM will automatically cancel that budget request. For example, if the matter has an Involved party who was a vendor acting in an e-billing role, and you delete that Involved, the corresponding budget request will be canceled by CSM.