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The vendor-specific setting "Also share documents attached to the CSM Settings record with this vendor" is set to "Yes" for newly added vendors. However, you may have some existing vendors where that option is set to "No". If you wish that setting to be "Yes" for all vendors, an upgrade script is available for changing your CSM configuration. It must be run manually, with a SQL query tool, when logged on to the database with the TeamConnect username. The script can be found in the Documents page of TeamConnect at this path:

Top Level / System / Scripts

For MSSQL databases, run script MSSQL_upgrade_CSM_DocumentSharingOption.sql

For Oracle databases, run script Oracle_upgrade_CSM_DocumentSharingOption.sql

For more information about this setting, see Sharing Documents with a Collaborati Vendor.

First Sync

After completing setup, make sure you synchronize with Collaborati. See Defining CSM Connection and Synchronization for details.


Your vendors will immediately be able to start submitting invoices electronically. Once TeamConnect receives submitted invoices, they will be created and submitted for posting automatically, and will follow the same business processes you have established for invoices (for example, invoices will be automatically routed to the desired approval chain based on your approval rules for invoice posting).

Note: You can optionally create separate workflow rules specific to electronic invoices; use the isElectronic field in the rule qualifier for that option. For details on establishing rule qualifiers, see the Rules Configuration Guide.

Once invoices are in the approval chain, they display the "Pending Client Approval" status for the respective vendors. Neither intermediate workflow steps (for example, multiple approval steps, ad-hoc reviews, etc.), nor internal correspondence is visible to vendors.

Rejected invoices show the "Rejected" status for the vendors. Approved and posted invoices show the "Approved" status and any adjustments and comments to vendors that were made during the approval process.

Note: If you selected to share invoice payment information with your vendors, then paid invoices will show the "Paid" status for the vendors. Otherwise, invoice approval and rejection will be the final states communicated to your vendors. If an invoice is voided after posting, this will not be communicated automatically to your vendor but rather, the invoice will remain '"Approved" in Collaborati. If an invoice is re-posted after rejection, this is not communicated automatically to your vendor and the invoice remains in Rejected status in Collaborati.

New vendors

Repeat steps 3-4 from the initial setup process to authorize new vendors.

To add new vendors to the list, contact your Mitratech account manager with this request.