Contacts are people or companies for which your organization needs to store information, including employees, vendors, outside counsel, claimants, injured parties, witnesses, and agencies. Use the ContactService class to access contacts in the API.
The API provides the following model interfaces for contacts:
•The Address class, which contains information about a contact address.
•The Company class, which contains information that applies to only company contacts and extends the Contact class.
•The Contact class, which contains information that applies to all contacts.
•The ContactRelation class, which contains information about a contact relation.
•The DefaultRate class, which contains information about a default rate for a contact.
•The Email class, which contains information about a contact email address.
•The FaxNumber class, which contains information about a contact fax number.
•The InternetAddress class, which contains information about a contact web address.
•The InvoiceTaskRate class, which contains information about an invoice task rate for a contact.
•The Person class, which contains information that applies to only person contacts and extends the Contact class.
•The PhoneNumber class, which contains information about a contact phone number.
•The Skill class, which contains information about a contact skill.
•The TaskRate class, which contains information about a task rate for a contact.
Refer to the ContactService samples for examples of working with contacts in the API.