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Collaborati Spend Management Release Notes

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1System Requirements


To install CSM 5.0 you must be running TeamConnect 5.0.


Use the Available Updates section of the About page to install. For more information about how to install, refer to the Upgrade Considerations and Notes below.


Important: Do not customize the object definitions that comprise CSM (CSM Settings,         Timekeeper, Vendor, Budget Request, and Rate Request) in any way. Customized versions of CSM are not eligible for support.


2Upgrade Considerations and Notes


This section provides upgrade requirements and considerations for CSM 5.0. Details about the compatibility requirements for CSM and TeamConnect, and the related upgrade procedures, are available in the TeamConnect 5.0 Installation Help for your respective update.



CSM 5.0 has the following upgrade requirements:



If you are using the Oracle 10g JDBC driver, you must include the following setting in the JVM argument on the server on which TeamConnect is deployed:



3Changes and Enhancements

The following issue(s) have been fixed in CSM 5.0. Each resolved issue is documented in the following format:

A description of the change

Internal tracking code, if available

Salesforce case number, if available


Issue: CSM 5.0 now has updated settings page for a more modern User Interface and better adherence to 508 compliance.

Tracking code: TC-537


4Known Issues

The following items are known issues in the CSM 5.0 release. Each known issue is documented in the following format:

A description of the issue

Internal tracking code

Workaround, if available


Issue: Comments block on tender request page is not optimally formatted.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-20607