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Use ProjectService when working with project records.

Whenever a Service operation requires ProjectService, set up ProjectService using the following code:

ProjectService projectService = platform.getProjectService();

Adding an Embedded Project to a Parent Project

The following samples update a project record by adding an embedded project to the project. As shown in these samples, you can use Project methods to add the embedded project.

EmbeddedEntity embeddedProject = project.addEmbeddedEntity("unique code");


EmbeddedEntity embeddedProject = project.addEmbeddedEntityWithName("unique code", "name");


EmbeddedEntity embeddedProject = project.addEmbeddedEntityWithNumberString("unique code", "id number as a string");


EmbeddedEntity embeddedProject = project.addEmbeddedEntity("unique code", "name", "id number as a string");

Changing a Project's Phase

The following sample changes the phase of a project and updates the record. While making these changes, you can use API interface methods to update objects in the project record, such as the project name.



projectService.changePhaseWithUpdate(project, "phase code of the phase to change to");

Reading Child Projects for a Record

The following sample returns the child projects of a parent project.

List<Project> childProjects = projectService.getChildProjects(project, "unique code of the child Custom Object Definition");

Searching for a Project

The following samples return an existing project. The second sample includes a method. This search() method is different from the methods because the method includes the unique code of an existing project as a parameter.

//Reading a project

//The id initialized here is the id of an existing project

Long id = 1234567890L;

Project project =;


//Searching for a project

List<Project> search("unique code", "search view key");

Deleting a Project

The following sample deletes and existing project.

//The id initialized here is the id of an existing project

Long id = 1234567890L;
