1.From the TC Field column on the Output page, click the magnifying glass icon to open the Object Navigator.  Object Navigator Opens When You Click the Object Navigator Icon
2.Navigate to and select a system or custom invoice-related field that you want to include with the output data. Invoice Number, Invoice Date, and Vendor Last Name fields are already included by default. Note: You must click outside the selection box to save the field you selected and close the box.
 Example of Mapping Fields on the Output Page
3.For the Output Field Name, enter the column name that you want to appear in the header row. You must have selected File Contains Header Row under File Settings for the name to appear in the file. 4.For the Order field, enter a number for the order from left to right that the field will appear in the output file. 5.For the Length field, enter the number of characters that you want the field to have in a fixed-width file. If you are exporting a text-delimited file, you must still enter a length in the case that you change the File Format. 6.Click Save. 7.Repeat steps 1-6 for every field of data you want included with the output data. 8.Select an invoice search view from the Invoices for Collection drop-down. A search view for AP Settings should already exist. See Creating an Invoice Search View for more information.
9.From the Sent to AP Date drop-down, select a date field on the invoice object to be updated for each invoice that TeamConnect exports. If you have TeamConnect Legal, select INVC.SentToAPDateIn. If you do not have TeamConnect Legal and you created a custom sent-to-AP date field, select the Field name for that date.
Click edit in the Action column of the field row to edit the field information. Click minus icon in the Action column of the field row to delete the field from the list.