Show/Hide Toolbars

The Global Navigation page allows solution developers to customize the Global Navigation toolbar (tabs, related links, and page content per tab) that displays when users log into TeamConnect. You must assign the appropriate rights for viewing and working with the Global Navigation page. This section contains a table that explains these rights and their associated operations

After you assign any of the Global Navigation rights (View Global Navigation records, Edit Global Navigation records, Create Global Navigation records, or Delete Global Navigation records), the following page will be available:

(from the Go To menu) Global Navigation page

Rights to Customize the Global Navigation Toolbar



Prerequisite Rights

View Global Navigation records

Allows users to view the Global Navigation area.


Edit Global Navigation records

Allows users to edit the tab names, tab display order, and subnavigation links that display on the global navigation toolbar.

View Global Navigation records

Create Global Navigation records

Allows users to create tabs and links that display on the global navigation toolbar.

View Global Navigation records

Delete Global Navigation records

Allows users to delete tabs and links that display on the global navigation toolbar.

View Global Navigation records