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There are additional Document Property pages that are available. Generally, access to these additional pages requires the assignment of the View Document records and Edit Document records rights. These Document rights enable a group to view the following additional property pages, email folders, and email messages:

Document Properties > Categories

Document Properties > Security

Document Properties > Versions

Email Folder

Email record

Note: E-mail features and rights are only available with TeamConnect Projects. For more information on Projects, see Custom Record Rights. If the TeamConnect IMAP Server is set up and active, you must enable appropriate rights to groups to work with e-mail (treated as documents in TeamConnect).

The following table explains these additional group rights to documents:

Additional Rights to Document



Prerequisite Rights


View Document records

Edit Document records


View Document all categories

Allows groups to view existing Document categories and set one of them as the default.




Document Properties > Categories

Create Document all categories

Allows groups to add categories to Documents.



View Document all categories

Delete Document all categories

Allows groups to remove categories from Documents.



View Document all categories

View Document all custom fields

Allows groups to view custom fields of Documents.

Note: To work with any custom field, groups must be able to view the field's category and its parents.

To see custom fields in a Project, groups must be able to view the Project.




As customized by design

Edit Document all custom fields

Allows groups to change custom fields of Documents.



View Document all custom fields

Generate New XML Based Document

Allows groups to create a new XML Document from an existing template.

Note: To generate a Document, a group needs to be able to view the appropriate Documents list. However, to save a generated Document, the group also needs the ability to create Documents in that list.





View Document security

Allows groups to view security access for Documents.




Document Properties > Security

Edit Document security

Allows groups to change security for Documents.

Note: Before you can enable security editing for a group and its users, the group must be able to view the appropriate Contacts.



View Document security

View Document versions

Allows groups to view the version history of Documents.

Note: To generate a version history of Documents, a group must enable the Version Control feature, using the system settings.




Document Properties > Versions

Revert Document versions

Allows groups to remove the current most recent version of a Document and save the previous version as most recent.



View Document versions

View email

Allows groups to search for and view email in TeamConnect.



View Project records

Documents list > Email Folder

Move email from non TeamConnect- IMAP folder to TeamConnect- IMAP folder

Allows groups to move e-mail messages from an email client's non TeamConnect-IMAP folder to a TeamConnect-IMAP folder.



Create Document records

View Project records

Edit Project records

Documents list > Email Folder

Move email between TeamConnect- IMAP folders

Allows groups to move email messages between an email client's TeamConnect-IMAP folders.



Create Document records

Delete Document records

View Project records

Edit Project records

Documents list > Email Folder

Delete email

Allows groups to delete IMAP email messages (for email clients and TeamConnect).



Delete Document records

View Project records

Edit Project records

Email record

Change email attributes (priority, read/ unread)

Allows groups to change email message attributes (for email clients).



Create Document records

View Project records

Edit Project records

Email record

Add TeamConnect- IMAP subfolder

Allows groups to create TeamConnect-IMAP subfolders (for email clients).



Create Document records

View Project records

Edit Project records

Documents list

Rename / Delete TeamConnect- IMAP subfolder

Allows groups to delete TeamConnect-IMAP subfolders (for email clients and TeamConnect).



Delete Document records

View Project records

Edit Project records

Documents list

Add TeamConnect- IMAP subfolder

Allows groups to create TeamConnect-IMAP subfolders (for e-mail clients).



Create Document records

View Project records

Edit Project records

Documents list

Rename / Delete TeamConnect- IMAP subfolder

Allows groups to delete TeamConnect-IMAP subfolders (for e-mail clients and TeamConnect).



Delete Document records

View Project records

Edit Project records

Documents list
