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You have the option to create customized screens for logging into TeamConnect using LDAP authentication and related error messages. To enable custom error pages, you must do the following:

1.Create custom error pages.

2.Update the LDAP file properties for the new pages.

3.Upload the custom pages to the TeamConnect Documents area folder:

\Top Level\System\Authentication\LDAP\pages

See Installing LDAP Plug-in Files for more information.

Note: If you choose not to create customized error and login pages then you should comment out related lines from the LDAP file.


The custom pages should be in HTML format. The custom page file extensions should be .html

If any custom pages require images, those images should be uploaded to the TeamConnect Documents area

Custom Error Pages List

A list of pages that can be customized follows. Each page has a corresponding property in the LDAP file whose value should match the file name you create per page. The corresponding properties are described in Defining LDAP Parameters.

Authentication Failed page

Normal Logout page

Session Timeout page

Restore Session page

Bad Credentials page

Account Locked page