•If a log file is very large, clicking the View Log link might cause a lockup in your browser session as it tries to transfer the large amount of data from the server. If this is a concern, right-click the View Log link, then choose context menu item Save Link As, then save the log to a file on a local disk drive. Open that local file with your browser.
•To view the latest log messages, press F5 or click your browser's Refresh button.
•For both System Appenders and Audit Appenders, if TeamConnect is running on a cluster of application servers, a drop-down list to the left of the View Log link allows you to choose the specific node whose log you wish to view. Node names consist of a machine name, followed by a numeric process ID.
•The log location is specified using the app.logFolder parameter in the Web Application Deployment Descriptor when TeamConnect is installed.
If you did not update the Log Folder field (app.logFolder parameter) when updating the teamconnect.properties file using the TeamConnect Installer, you can find TeamConnect logs in the following locations:
•For Apache Tomcat (Linux)—/<Apache_HOME>/bin/logs
For example:
•For Apache Tomcat (Windows)—C:\<Apache_HOME>\logs
For example:
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\logs
•For WebLogic (Linux)—<WebLogic_Home>/user_projects/domains/<domain_name>/logs
For example:
•For WebSphere—<WebSphere_Home>/AppServer/profiles/<profileName>/logs
For example, on Windows: