On the About page, the block titled Available Updates displays product updates that you can install, download, or request, based on the product versions that you presently have licensed. In addition, this block may display information about products that you do not presently have licensed, but which relate to your licensed products.
Note: To take advantage of the Available Updates feature, you must allow your application server to make HTTP requests to Mitratech's server. Connection parameters are built into TeamConnect, but if you cannot connect, you may need to configure your firewall to allow connection. Contact Mitratech Support to get specific connection information.
The fields and links in this block are described below.
Displays the product name of the update. Updates are grouped by product.
Displays the specific version of the update.
File Size
For updates that can be downloaded immediately, the file size of the download is shown. For updates that must be requested from Mitratech, N/A is displayed.
Displays a Read Me First link which, when clicked, opens a new window showing release notes and other detailed information about the update. If an update does not have detailed information available from this page, the text Available Upon Request is displayed, indicating that you should contact your Mitratech support representative for more information.
Install or Download
Some updates can be applied to your application immediately, while it is being used. Such updates show an Install Now link in this field. When you click the link, and answer a confirmation window, the update is downloaded and is immediately applied to your application. The update will affect logged-in users immediately. You should perform the Install action at times when other users are not using the application.
(Collaborati Spend Management can be updated through Install Now, but it will not take effect until you stop and restart TeamConnect.)
Some updates are more complex and cannot be installed while users are logged in. These updates can be downloaded now and applied at a time when the application has been stopped. Such updates show a Download Now link in this field. When you click the link, the update is saved to a file location that you specify.
Updates for products that you have not licensed will have a blank entry in this field.
Updates which do not have downloads will have an Available Upon Request entry in this field.