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When TeamConnect contains many records it is recommended that you limit the number of search results that display and set a search timeout. This will ensure reasonable system performance times for users.

To limit the number of search results that display, you can decrease the Maximum Search results field value (default 1000).

To limit the time allowed to perform a search, you can decrease the Maximum Search time (seconds) field value (minimum value, and default, is 10 seconds). If you are using TeamConnect's built-in reporting feature, put a higher value in this field.

Records Not Displayed

In addition to the search criteria that the user specifies on the search screen, other criteria also determines which records are retrieved and displayed. The following records are NOT displayed:

Records that do not match invisible qualifiers that may be defined in the search view.

Records that are filtered out by the system because of where the user is accessing the search screen. For example, when a user searches for child projects from within a parent project, only the projects of the appropriate child object are displayed. Similar filtering applies for other types of related records.

Records to which the current user lacks access due to the security settings on the record's Security tab. In certain cases, these records can be retrieved but cannot be accessed from a search screen because the hyperlink to the record is replaced with the word "secured."

Records that are not retrieved before the Maximum number of search results is reached, which discontinues any further searching.

Records that are not retrieved before the Maximum search time is reached, which discontinues any further searching.