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This document details the upgrade information and resolved issues that are included in TeamConnect 4.0 Update 1.

Upgrading to 4.0 Update 1

You must be using one of the following TeamConnect versions to upgrade:

  2.5 SP4 Update 1

3.0 SP1

3.0 SP1 Update 1


3.1 Update 1

3.1 SP1

3.1 SP1 Update 1

3.1 SP1 Update 2


3.2 Update 1

3.2 Update 2


3.3 Update 1

3.3 Update 2

3.3 SP1

3.3 SP2

3.3 SP3

3.3 SP3 Update 1

3.3 SP3 Update 2

3.3 SP3 Update 3

3.3 SP3 Update 4

3.3 SP3 Update 5

3.3 SP3 Update 6

3.3 SP3 Update 7

3.3 SP3 Update 8

3.3 SP3 Update 9

3.3 SP3 Update 10

3.3 SP3 Update 11

3.3 SP3 Update 12

3.3 SP3 Update 13

3.3 SP3 Update 14

3.3 SP3 Update 15


3.4 Update 1

3.4 Update 2

3.4 Update 3

3.4 Update 4

3.4 Update 5

3.4 Update 6

3.4 Update 7

3.4 Update 8

3.4 SP1

3.4 SP1 Update 1

3.4 SP1 Update 2

3.4 SP1 Update 3

3.4 SP1 Update 4

3.4 SP1 Update 5

3.4 SP1 Update 6

3.4 SP1 Update 7

3.4 SP1 Update 8

3.4 SP1 Update 9

3.4 SP1 Update 10

3.4 SP1 Update 11

Upgrade Considerations

"My Overdue Tasks" will continue to default to showing tasks that are 2 or more days overdue for users upgrading to 4.0 U1. Users downloading a completely new instance will have a default setting of showing tasks that are 1 or more days overdue. This setting can be changed manually to any value.

Resolved Issues

This section describes the issues that are resolved in the TeamConnect 4.0 Update 1 release. Each resolved issue is documented in the following format:

A description of the issue

Internal tracking code

Salesforce case number, if applicable

The patch the issue was originally fixed in, if applicable

Admin Settings

Issue: When using Internet Explorer, the Time Picker was automatically selected in the Maintenance screen of Admin Settings.

Tracking code: INTTEST-1952


Issue: You received an error when trying to execute custom code.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-6733

Case number: 2014-0731-106321


Issue: If a user had an accented letter in its name, TeamConnect displayed the user’s name incorrectly.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-6567

Case number: 2014-0707-103897


Issue: When you opened two folders on the Documents page of a matter, then clicked the Attachments link, the folders did not appear.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-6108

Case number: 2014-0417-96697


Issue: When you uploaded a document, TeamConnect did not recognize file extensions that were capitalized.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-6618

Case number: 2014-0711-104318


Issue: TeamConnect froze when you used the Document Mapping tool to map the if@ merge field.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-6075

Case number: 2014-0410-96078


Issue: Selecting an invalid path resulted in an exception that forced you to log out and back in before you could use the Document Mapping Tool.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-6075

Case number: 2014-0410-96078


Issue: When you posted non-US taxes on an invoice to an account, TeamConnect ignored the vendor in the account posting criteria.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-6620

Case number: 2014-0717-104875

Originally fixed in: Update 5 Patch 11

Mass Edit

Issue: A notification that items were saved now displays when validation rules prevented some items in a mass edit from saving.

Tracking code: INTTEST-4352


Issue: You could not move between check-boxes by pressing the Tab key on Safari.

Tracking code: MB-272


Issue: You could not view 200 records per page on a joined report, or export the report to Excel or PDF.

Tracking code: INTTEST-4453


Issue: When you exported a report to Excel, Excel formatted cells with dates as plain fields instead of Date fields.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-6253

Case number: 2014-0521-99541


Issue: A ClassNotFoundException for com.mitratech.teamconnect.enterprise.api.model.parameters.ParametersImpl was thrown when custom rules were executed.

Tracking code: INTTEST-4818

Screen Designer

Issue: You received a system error when opening multiple objects in the Screen Designer.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-6539

Case number: 2014-0513-98812


Issue: Object Category View Rights were not honored correctly on Search View pages.

Tracking code: INTTEST-1751


Issue: The Automatically populate Contact field if search returns one result user preference did not work.

Tracking code: INTTEST-2255


Issue: The State/Province field for Contact records was not filtered properly in search views.

Tracking code: INTTEST-4469


Issue: Global Search did not work for contact addresses unless the Country field was set.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-6055

Case number: 2014-0327-94699


Issue: You received an error when running a document content search inside a matter.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-6691

Case number: 2014-0727-105632

Originally fixed in: Update 14 Patch 5


Issue: When a search module did not use the Company search view, the Add Company button did not appear next to a search module.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-6164

Case number: 2014-0502-98038


Issue: When you changed one search filter criteria, any other criteria for the same field updated with the same changes. In addition, certain search views returned errors.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-6241

Case number: 2014-0421-96987


Issue: When you added a multi-select list to a search view, you could only select one field instead of multiple fields.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-6340

Case number: 2014-0606-101571


Issue: During a custom search, the Contains operator returned results as if it was an Equals operator.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-6373

Case number: 2014-0606-101571


Issue: Search views exported to Excel were not internationalized.

Tracking code: INTTEST-4325


Issue: From a wizard, you could not edit date field parameters.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-6129

Case number: 2014-0501-97856


Issue: The "You do not have create rights" error message was erroneously displayed on the workflow reassignment page under certain conditions.

Tracking code: INTTEST-4799


Issue: An approval route could not locate a contact’s associated user.

Tracking code: SUPPORTPRI-6153

Case number: 2014-0505-98173